Infections in outpatient dialysis facilities are a leading cause of death among hemodialysis patients, second only to vascular disease. Bloodstream and other types of infections are a significant threat to patient safety. IPCxpert supports outpatient dialysis prevent infections by providing evidence-based best practices guidelines and following infections by performing the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) dialysis events.
IPCxpert provides training on the centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) final rule for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) facilities to track quality indicators through NHSN by following the dialysis event protocol. Facilities must comply with the CMS final rule for ESRD to receive full payment though the CMS prospective payment system (PPS) ESRD. IPCxpert customs multiple tracking and competencies tools to ensure best practices guidelines for outpatient dialysis as provided by the CDC are apt for the hemodialysis team.
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